Monday, June 22, 2009

Sermon on the Mount


The Sermon on the Mount took place on a hillside, where Jesus laid out the “Beatitudes.” In Jesus’ teachings we see what really matters, obedience. We aren’t called to “go through the motions” of Christianity. He doesn’t want us to go to church, sit, sing, pray, and leave. There isn’t a checklist to follow in order to understand and know Christ. The Beatitudes lay out the simple game plan, servant leadership and obedience. Jesus wants REAL people, not a bunch of legalistic/do and say all the right things people. He wants us to be transformed from the inside out.

I truly believe many of us know what to do, and may even be able to give great advice, yet we struggle to follow that same advice ourselves. Others may not have a clue where to turn. Then there are the few that get it. They’ve been transformed and continue to work daily to strive for sanctification (to be Christ like). Wherever you are in your Christian journey, the key is what you do starting NOW. The past is the past and we can’t change that. The great news is God doesn’t want you thinking about the past. He wants us to press onward, and through the grace of God we have the freedom to accept Christ and be forgiven of our sins of the past. Through the gift of salvation, we are made new, so now what?

Jesus instructs the disciples and all Christ followers to understand what they’ve signed up for. Jesus does a great job of under promising and over delivering. He doesn’t say how great life is going to be on earth. In fact he informs his followers of how bad it will be. “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:10). As a Christ follower, you aren’t going to be the norm. Very few have the discipline, faith, understanding, and obedience to truly live the life God’s called us to live. We are all sinners, so in that aspect, none of us live up to the standard. Here’s the key, do everything in your power to avoid the traps of the temporal. In other words, the world creates a selfish, prideful, lustful, self-serving attitude. Christ wants the exact opposite out of us. Live as Jesus did, and you will receive the REAL REWARD. Our lives are so short, yet we crave everything on earth. An eternity in heaven is the ultimate reward, and nothing compares to what we all should look forward to!

1. Read Matthew 5:1-10
2. As you read the Beatitudes, how do feel about each one of them as you reflect on your life?

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