Monday, July 6, 2009

All You Need Is Love


I’m a big believer in being real, as there are way too many individuals who live life as some adopted being. In yesterday’s devotional we discussed the importance of showing people’s God’s love even if they wrong you. We all want to get revenge or retaliate, but Christ’s calls us to show God’s love. Some of you may be wondering why you should act as if you love someone when you really don’t. After all, wouldn’t that be hypocritical? Let’s clarify what Christ calls us to do. We are to SHOW God’s love even if we don’t feel as if we love them. We aren’t going to like everything about everyone, but we are to show God’s love to everyone, just as Christ did.

I’m pretty sure God doesn’t like everything about me. For example, he probably wants me to get rid of the pride, impatience, and all of the other ungodly characteristics I need to work on. If God can love me and show me mercy despite all of my downfalls, doesn’t it make sense to do the same for others! Finding faults in human beings is EASY, so stop looking through the negative lenses. Let’s start finding the good in people. I’ll admit, it can be hard sometimes to find the good in your enemies, but it sure makes life a lot more enjoyable than finding the bad in people. In Matthew 5:46 is says, “If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

The point is simple, do the HARD RIGHT thing. I’m a big believer that adversity and tough times reveal character. People are great when things are going just the way they want them to go. It’s amazing how a different person comes out when adversity strikes. In the same way, it’s easy to love people that love you, but the hard right thing to do is love those that persecute you. Love those that say false things about you. Love people that are out to get you. It’s not easy, but it’s the HARD RIGHT thing to do. Christ did it, and we are called to show Christ’s love. Again, all you need is love!

1. Read Matthew 5:43-48
2. Who do you need to show God’s love to?

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