Wednesday, July 1, 2009



I can’t begin to think of the number of times people’s lives have been ruined due to the power of lust. We live in a world where the grass can seem greener on the other side, when in fact it rarely is. People leave certain jobs for what they feel will be a better opportunity, yet they find out the hard way it’s not. In sports, loyalty has been thrown out the window. Years ago you would never see a player leave his team for their arch rival, yet it happens every season now. People chase whatever they feel can bring them the desire they crave at THAT MOMENT.

It’s in THAT MOMENT that we must run from the lust that seems to chase us. The lust Jesus speaks against in Matthew chapter 5 is the lust of the flesh. God creates beautiful people, and the world does all it can to throw those people in our faces. It’s nearly impossible to watch television these days without seeing a scantily dressed individual. What you allow yourself to see, hear, and experience does in fact influence the way you think.

When someone commits adultery, they do so twice. First, they commit adultery in their minds. They picture themselves doing something before they actually do it. Then, the actual physical act of adultery takes place. The key is stopping the mental picture before it takes place. If we control our thoughts, then we will control our actions. Matthew 5:28 says, “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Jesus warns us about the danger of simply thinking about another person. It’s perfectly normal to have a natural interest in the opposite sex; the key is to control your thoughts. As you grow in your relationship with Christ, you will learn to see every girl as a sister in Christ, and every man as a brother in Christ. If you see people as an object of your affection, understand the implications that can have if not controlled.

Lust in a very dangerous sin and it’s extremely important to understand the life altering events that can and will occur if lust isn’t treated as a serious issue in your life. Never forget why you fell in love with your partner in the first place. Love them for who they are, and understand that God put you and your spouse (assuming you are married) in each other’s lives for a reason. Find the beauty in each other and never forget the bonds of marriage.

1. Read Matthew 5:27-30
2. Do you need to change the way you think about someone? Is your significant other the only object of your affection?

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