Thursday, June 11, 2009



We’ve all had experiences where we’ve felt wronged, and most of the times the feelings are just. I experienced this yesterday. My first emotional response is shock, followed by anger, and then I want to call everyone involved. As I’ve matured in my spiritual journey, I’ve learned to handle these situations differently. Where I might have called while my emotions were high, I’ve really learned to relax and not let it bother me as much because I now understand why people do things they shouldn’t do.

In Matthew 3:1-2 we have insight into John the Baptist’s major theme of repentance. “In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the Desert of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” John the Baptist’s preaching of repentance is exactly the way I like it, DIRECT AND TO THE POINT. “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near,” is about as direct as you can be.

To repent is to understand wrongdoing, and to turn everything over to the Lord. Stop doing the things that lead to sinning. If you truly repent, the proper actions will follow. In other words, you will stop manipulating, stealing, cheating, gossiping, lying, etc. Will you sin in the future, yes, but you will realize what you’ve done immediately, ask for forgiveness and make things right. Those that continue to do wrong reveal everything about their lack of repentance. It’s obvious they haven’t truly turned their lives over to Christ. Its one thing to believe in God, but it’s another thing to be transformed by God and to live for Christ. Satan believes in God, but that doesn’t make Satan a Christ follower, just like I believe in baseball, but that doesn’t make me a baseball! Belief is not enough for a transformation of who you are today in to what Christ ultimately desires for you and I to be. Therefore, when people say or do wrong, understand they have problems, and what they say or do is a reflection of their lack of character, etcetera, and not a reflection of who you really are. At the end of the day, all we can do is show them the kindness Christ showed the world, and the mercy and grace God gives us daily.

When you come across those that do wrong on a consistent basis, please understand they need to be transformed by the love, mercy, and grace of Jesus Christ. They do wrong, because they live a worldly life and not a Godly life. Do not judge those people, for God is the only judge, but instead love those people and find the good in them. In my case, the person did wrong out of greed. I’m sure you will have many cases, so remember to respond in a loving way and do not react with emotion. Teach those folks what repentance is, just as God has done and will do for us. Remember, God will take care of the wrong; our job is to do right. Jesus came to the earth as a humble servant, to serve not be served, but he WILL COME AGAIN, and this time it’s for justice.

1. Read Matthew 3:1-3
2. Look deep into your soul and pick out any worldly motives you have, and fill that part of your soul with Godly motives.

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