Sunday, October 3, 2010

Time for Transition


Time for Transition by Boyd Bailey

“Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites.” Joshua 1:2

Death is a time for transition. It may be the death of a close friend, a parent, or a grandparent. Death is hard and it is a time for pause. But grief is a bridge to transition. You may be the leader now, as responsibility is knocking at your door but it is up to you to walk by faith through the Lord’s open door into this new opportunity.

Do not let your lack of experience hold you back. Your confidence should be in Christ. Be very strong and courageous in Him, as He graduated your loved one or friend to heaven. He has left you behind on earth to carry out His mission. Divine destiny has created this inevitable transition to fine tune your faith.
Your struggle may be the death of a vision or a plan that you have prayed over. You may have thought you were a lifer in a particular career, but things change and people change. You grow in skills and abilities that may have been dormant for as long as ten years. Now God is tugging at your heart toward a transition. His desire is for your transition to be based on truth, and the truth is, it is time for change.

Your family may need a break from your breakneck pace. So now may be the time for you to go out at the top of your game. Don’t wait until you are asked to leave, but choose to leave so another leader can build on your good work with his new and much needed leadership style. Everything is for a season. Your winter of discontent is about to bloom into a spring of contentment.

You may need to preside over a funeral of bad habits. Bury them deep into the soil of your Savior’s love and forgiveness. Let the strong hand of the Lord lay them to rest. Make His confidence your confidence. Receive God’s encouragement as your strength for life’s journey. God is walking with you on this path of change, so do not fear because your heavenly Father is not far away.

Your intimacy with Almighty God is your energy for living. Tap into His truth often—especially during transitions—and trust Him with this life change. His transformation of your character will be a terrific transition but it requires a lifetime of surrender and obedience to Him.

Lastly, physical death is a time of transition to heaven. Life is our preparation for death and it is one big transition toward our eternal reward. Because of this, it matters how you invest your time and talents, which includes your money. In whom are you investing your wisdom and discernment? Who will model the principles for successful living that God has imparted to you as a wise steward? People are your greatest investment opportunity.

One day you will transition to heaven, and part of the reward you will receive from the Lord will be evident in the people you have influenced for God. Therefore, use your ultimate transition as your present motivation to invest in others. People need time and truth, so train them in the ways of God. Stay teachable yourself so you are fresh in your faith, and be mentored so that you can mentor. Let your life of transition point to your trust in God.

The Bible says, “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (James 4:14).

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