Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love Always Protects

2-21-2011 by Boyd Bailey

Love Always Protects

“It always protects... “ 1 Corinthians 13:7

Love always protects. It protects because it loves, and it loves because it protects. Love protects physically; if you love someone, you do not want him or her to suffer bodily harm. You provide for them an environment that protects them from the elements. You shield them from harmful substances that might damage their bodies. You keep them safe by obeying the speed limit and not driving recklessly. You protect them by not endangering their lives with unnecessary risks. If you love someone, you protect them.

Wives love to be protected; it makes them feel valued and cherished. They yearn for physical, financial, and emotional protection. Husbands, when you keep your wife safe and sound, you speak their love language. Your provision of a dependable automobile and a secure home screams love. Because you love your family, you protect them from unwise financial exposure.

For example, you don’t “bet the farm” and place your house at risk. Your temperament might be able to handle high risk, and even thrive on it, but, because you love your family, you do not personally expose them to on-the-edge endeavors. You do not want them to fear being unprotected within an unstable home environment.

Love protects emotionally because it understands the sensitive nature of others. Emotional protection allows children to grow up well-adjusted and loved. Adolescents are vulnerable and tender; they still need the loving protection of their parents. Love prays for the protection of the ones it loves. Pray for their hearts to be protected from the evil one (2 Thessalonians 3:3) and from unwise influences.

Pray for the testimony of those you love to remain unsoiled and fresh in their walk with Christ. Pray for the Holy Spirit to protect well-meaning loved ones from straying away from God’s best in relationships. Furthermore, pray for protection from yourself. If not careful, you can talk yourself into almost anything. Sometimes, you can become your own worst enemy, so pray for protection for yourself, and be accountable.

Lastly, think of ways to protect your friends and work associates. Your wisdom and counsel provides loving protection (Proverbs 4:6). A small, encouraging word may protect peers from over-commitment. Your colleagues may need your permission to say no, just so they can let go. Do not underestimate your actions, for what you do provides protection.

Your model of appropriate behavior with the opposite sex protects you and provides an example of discretion for those you influence (Proverbs 2:11). You love others by creating an environment of protection. Therefore, pray for God’s protection and provide protection. Love always, always protects.

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