Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Listen Well

8-10-2011 by Boyd Bailey

Listen Well

Hear, O my people, and I will warn you—if you would but listen to me, O Israel! Psalm 81:8

Sometimes we only listen to what we want to hear. Our listening becomes selective. The worst type of lazy listening ignores the Almighty’s voice. If we drift into this insensible state we become deaf to God. Maybe this is happening to you. Christ’s commands are falling on deaf ears. The sign language of your Savior is signaling you back to His holiness, His love, and His care. Jesus taught the wisdom of listening to God. He said in John 6:45, “It is written in the Prophets: 'They will all be taught by God.' Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me.” It is in your educational exchange with eternity that you draw closer to Christ. He is your teacher.

Furthermore, listening lures us to the Lord. Like well-positioned and attractive bait in front of a curious fish, our heavenly Father hooks us with truth. Often, He uses godly messengers to get across His personalized message. John states it well: “We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood (1 John 4:6).” It is this active listening to the Almighty’s ambassadors that we gain discernment into what to do or what not to do. It is your spouse, your teacher, your parents, your pastor, and your godly friends who speak on behalf of your Savior. Other vague voices may be louder and more persuasive, but do not succumb to their proud pleas. Listen instead to those who know you and love you, and who you know want God’s best for you. Listen well to their warnings.

If you continue down the road of resistance to radical listening, then God may give you over to your desires. He doesn’t waste His time with those who won’t listen. He doesn’t cast the pearls of His wisdom among stubborn swine (Matthew 7:6, KJV). He shares with those who steward well their listening. The Lord longs to engage your heart through the stability of Scripture. His Word screams truth. So avoid reacting to the last lingering voice you encounter. Instead, listen well in your encounters with Christ. Listen well to His pensive and pure voice through those who represent Him. Selective listening is smart when it defaults to Deity. Turn down the volume on the Christ-less culture that carelessly but confidently cries out for conformation of its creeds. There is only one voice that demands your undivided attention: Almighty God’s. Therefore, be selective by listening well to what your Savior says. His words are what matter most!

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