Monday, November 14, 2011

The Lord's Servant

11-14-2011 by Boyd Bailey

The Lord’s Servant

“Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord…” Psalm 134:1a

Servants of the Lord have one goal, and that is to serve at the pleasure of their Master Jesus Christ. It is an honor to represent the vision, mission and values of heaven. Servants of God are quick to praise Him. They show respect by blessing His name, and loathe the thought of disrespect in cursing His name. Followers of Jesus think well and speak well of Him. He is the object of their affection, the adoration of their worship.

Servants of the Lord bless the one from whom all blessings flow. They speak well of their Master. Wise servants understand that the purpose of serving God is not just accomplishing the work, but representing Him in their work. Therefore, toil in trust and do not give up for Christ’s sake. You are a servant of the Most High, so hold your head high and your heart low. He keeps His covenant of love for those who long for Him.

“He said: “LORD, the God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven or on earth—you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way” (2 Chronicles 6:14).

Servants of the Lord also serve those their Master loves and accepts. There is alignment around the Almighty’s interest in people and their needs. He feeds and clothes the poor, so you feed and clothe the poor. He forgives and frees those who sin against Him, so you forgive and free those who sin against you. He seeks and saves the lost with the glory of the gospel, so you seek and save the lost with the glory of the gospel.

Unrecognized service seems insignificant, but it is the most significant. What others don’t see, God does, and He rewards accordingly. The Lord blesses those who bless others on His behalf. Servants of the Lord are significant Kingdom builders, so stay put in your service on His behalf. The best service leads others to understand the way to be saved.

May others see you in this same way, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved” (Acts 16:17b).

How can I serve the Lord with gladness, and bless Him and others in the process?

Related Readings: Nehemiah 1:11; Psalm 85:8; Isaiah 56:6; Acts 4:29; Revelation 22:6

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