Sunday, May 6, 2012
5-6-2012 by Boyd Bailey
From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. Psalm 8:2
The lips of children lift up the greatness of God in praise and adoration. They do not know any better than to believe God and take Him at His word. They are trusting and pure in their devotion. It is the children that embraced the coronation of Christ in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. They shouted “Hosanna in the highest,” while the proud religious leaders were indignant (Matthew 21:15). Humility praises Jesus, but pride is silent. Humility invites Jesus, but pride is threatened by Jesus. Humility wants to sit in His lap, but pride rejects His love and affection. Children remind us of the God we have forgotten. We’ve gotten so sophisticated with our Savior that we miss Him. We used to cry out to Him in gratitude over His overwhelming grandeur, but somewhere along the way we have taken Him for granted. Children remind us of God’s greatness. This is their lot.
Children live in a constant state of dependency. They depend on their parents for food, clothing, and shelter. Children look to their parents to teach them about God and religion. Hobbies, like enjoying the great outdoors, playing sports, or cultivating an interest in the arts become a committed interest of children with their parents’ prodding encouragement. Parents are a plethora of resources for their children. Boys and girls depend on Mom and Dad for direction regarding what they do well and how they can best excel. Parents are warehouses of wisdom for their offspring. Children who are compliant in learning from and depending on their parents are successful. They may, unknowingly, be building a solid foundation for living.
Our relationship with God is no different. We are His children in desperate need of His direction. We may spurn His discipline at times, but we come back because we know He is what we need. We need His wisdom. We need His forgiveness. We need His comfort, love, and hope. We need his perspective to be able to work effectively with people. We need His security found only in Christ. We need His courage in crisis. We need His grace in the middle of criticism. We need His humility to defeat pride. Christians who succeed the most are totally and utterly dependent on Christ. Otherwise, our pride drives us to self-sufficiency and shallow or patronizing praises of God. His greatness decreases as ours increases. Therefore, re-crown Him King daily. By faith, we step away from the throne of our life and humbly bow at His feet, as He sits enthroned and worthy of all praise.
Children are the conscience of adults. They remind us of our dependency on Jesus. We are but a grain of sand on the seashore of humanity. Jesus is Lord of all, and we serve and worship Him alone. The lips of children naturally lift up the glory of God. We do so supernaturally by the power of the Holy Spirit. We cannot keep quiet because of His lavish love and abundant grace which He pours forth on the faithful. It’s in our childlike faith that God reveals Himself, but He hides the very same from the wise of the world (Luke 10:21). You are a child of God. Therefore, praise and adore His majestic name.
God Bless!
Logan Stout
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