Sunday, June 2, 2013

Contentment's Concern

My heart is not proud, O LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 131:1-3) Contentment is not concerned with matters out of its control. Anytime you try to manage circumstances out of your purview, you grow discontented. The world of discontentment is a dangerous place to live because it may lead you to make a hasty or unwise decision. Decisions made under the duress of discontentment are not always the best. Contentment, on the other hand, is patient and prayerful in decision-making. Most things do not have to be decided right away. You can wait and watch God unfold His will. It may be time to make a bold move, but execute your transition smoothly, not in a jagged fashion. Contentment does not try to change people. That’s God’s job. Contentment accepts the fact that some people are best left to themselves. God will deal with them in His way and in His timing. Contented people do not have to be "in the know" about everything around them. Too much information can get you into trouble for you are responsible for what you know. It may be that you are not ready for that level of authority. Be content and trust God with those issues that exceed your capacity to understand or implement. There will come a day when you are prepared for that role of confidant, but for now, be content with where you are. Do the best in your current position and let opportunities come your way. The world of contentment is a great place to live in peace and quiet. Contentment is found by placing your hope in God. Hope in the Lord can never be taken from you. All hell can break loose, but He is there. Hope in God is a perk for today. If you can trust Him with your soul for eternity, you can trust Him during this incredibly brief time on earth. Hope feeds contentment the way an appetizing meal feeds a hungry body. When you lose hope you grow discontented. Hope can be found in Jesus Christ, so don’t make it hard. He is not illusive or hiding; He is available for you. Contentment’s hope is in God. If you place your hope in anything other than God, you set yourself up for major disappointment. Everything else in life is capable of letting you down, but not your heavenly Father. He is there for you, and His desire is contentment. He desires contentment because He knows that pure joy and happiness are nurtured and able to grow there. Sad are the discontented; glad are the content. Driven are the discontented; called are the content. Restless are the discontented; peaceful are the content. Addicted are the discontented; satisfied are the content. Pessimistic are the discontented; hopeful are the content. Be content and enjoy the outcome. Contentment’s concerns are few. By Boyd Bailey, Wisdom Hunters

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