Sunday, August 25, 2013

Reality Check

For I can testify about them that are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. (Romans 10:2) Activity without reality leads to futility. This is a frustrating and demoralizing place to live. Finances can be like this, as you can sincerely spend yourself into false affluence. Reality is you have to pay for the assets that have been obtained by debt. Credit may cause you to check out of reality, but its consequences will roar back in real bills. Reality is you cannot continue spending more than you make. The only way for the math to work: income must exceed expenses. Debt may suspend reality for a time but will eventually come crashing down from the overwhelming weight of credit’s pressure. Finances are a reality check, for they are an indicator of God’s will. God speaks through money, or the lack thereof. Do not be afraid to wait and save before you spend. For example, take a low cost vacation you can afford instead of an extravagant one you can’t. Furthermore, be careful not to allow busyness to distract you from reality. Make sure you are engaged in the right activity, and are not just busy for busyness’s sake. Verify information before you take a person or circumstance at face value. Before you hire someone, call his or her references. Sincere commitment without collaborative understanding leads to dysfunction and anemic outcomes. This could not be truer than with religion. A religious zeal without engagement in reality becomes extreme, even fanatical. So go with God’s definition of reality, as He defines reality in His Word and validates it with His will. The most effective way to remain in touch with reality is to stay connected with Christ. Alignment with the Almighty assures reality. He is a reality check, along with wise counselors. This is why a humble and teachable spirit is a prerequisite to understanding reality. Do not allow your experience, success, and intelligence to blind you from reality. Ask questions and really listen for a reality check of where you are and where you need to go. People vote with their time and money, so don’t blame them if they are not responding, but ask them why. Most importantly, make sure your church activity is grounded in the reality of a relationship with God. Religious activity does not equal relationship. Spirituality without faith in Christ skirts the real need for repentance and redemption. Sincere spirituality based on wrong assumptions will get you into trouble. No amount of good deeds can substitute your need of a Savior. Confessing your sin and receiving Christ into your life is, in reality, the way to begin a relationship with Him. Relationship with God, by faith in Christ, is foundational to understanding the world’s realities. His perspective positions you to engage in reality with an eternal mindset. Prayer is your guide to what’s real; so go to God often for His reality check. Let Him define for you your need for change and maturity. Ask Him to use the realities of your situation to make you more like Jesus. Instead of denying or rejecting reality, embrace it. Reality is God’s reason for dependence on Him and others. Accept by faith the Lord’s reality check and rely on His grace. Activity grounded in reality is rewarding, so thank Him for keeping you in a place of blessing. Jesus stated this reality: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). By Boyd Bailey, Wisdom Hunters

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