Thursday, May 28, 2009



One of my favorite books in the bible is the book of Matthew, the first book of the New Testament. The central purpose of the book is to prove that Jesus is the Savior of the world. Imagine writing that book! The author is Matthew, a Jewish tax collector, who became one of Jesus’ disciples. One of the keys of the gospels, especially the book of Matthew, is to understand what Jesus said would happen, did in fact happen. In other words, look at what Jesus predicted would take place, and notice how he has been right 100% of the time. Moreover, when we look at what was said of the coming Messiah in the Old Testament, Jesus Christ is described perfectly, yet some people still didn’t believe!

The people of Israel were waiting for the Messiah, their king. Little did they know he would come in the form of a carpenter, born of the Virgin Mary. When we think of the coming Messiah or King, we don’t picture a humble servant that washes people’s feet. Instead, our world depicts a king as someone to be served, who dresses in fancy jewelry and a crown, and dines with the wealthy. Not Jesus! He did the exact opposite. Jesus came as a humble servant, to serve not be served. He dines with the lowest of the low…isn’t that a message we ought to take notice of? As we read the book of Mathew together, let’s focus on the character of Jesus Christ, not only the words and guidance. Focus on his humility. If you had the power and knowledge he had, would you respond as patiently and kind as he did? Let’s recognize who Christ is, so we can understand who we are called to be.

As we read Matthew 1: 1-14, it may not mean a whole lot to most. It’s simply a genealogy to prove that Jesus is the descendant of both King David and Abraham, just as the Old Testament predicted. Understand the importance of this genealogy: this proves Jesus is one of the chosen one to all of the Jewish people of the time. Because of Jesus family line, being the descendants of kings, he was special, thus being called a “chosen one.” In Isaiah 11:1-5, it was written more than 400 years earlier, it informs us of the prophecy of the coming King. What’s even more interesting about the genealogy of Jesus is many of the people were from ordinary people. In other words, Jesus is the descendant of King David and Abraham, but in between the kings and Jesus were a bunch of “no-names.” It would be like looking at a famous athlete and saying that his great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great………..grandfathers, grandfather was a great athlete also! While that may sound like I am downplaying the importance of all of the “no-names,” I’m not. Without all of those descendants, we would have never had the great athlete of today. Going back to the bible, without all of those doing their part, where would Mary and Joseph come from? By the way, they were both direct descendants of David as well! The important concept to grasp here is simple; never underestimate the power of your actions. What you do today, leads to exponential results years and years later for your families, family, etc. Make an impact in your family, and it will be passed down from generation to generation. If you come from a tough family background, accept the challenge and be a part of changing the way your family sees the world. Be the one that your family says, “thanks to that servant leader of a person, the ________ family has been forever changed!”

1. Read Matthew 1:1-14
2. What would you like to see your families do better? Be the one that fixes that family problem. If you come from a financially poor family, be the one that changes the way your family operates. Brainstorm, and see if you notice any generational similarities between family members. Of those, what needs to change?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

To Whom Much Is Given


We’ve all heard the phrase “To whom much is given, much is required.” Here’s a secret, that’s not just a phrase, it’s the words of Christ. In Luke 12:48 it reads, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

We’ve all had days we would love to forget. Problems after problems, drama, headaches, and more pound through your thoughts and nothing you do put them at ease. I’ve had a few of those days recently, and this morning I was reminded of Luke 12:48. God isn’t going to give any of us more than we can handle. If you seem to be dealing with a lot of issues right now, think of it this way, God must really trust you! As a believer in Christ, we are called to a higher standard of living, and we are to use those gifts to help others. With this territory comes tough times, but God needs those of you with a Christ-centered heart to aid others during their times of need. By accepting Christ, responsibilities follow. The next time you feel overwhelmed, just remember, God must really trust you! Don’t take the responsibility of being a Christ follower lightly. We have a job to do, and we are called to do everything we do to the best of our ability. Use the gifts God’s blessed you with to bless others, and understand the duties associated. To whom much is given, much is required!

1. Think about the gifts you’ve been blessed with…are you using those to your upmost?
2. Are you willing to be bold for Christ knowing you are going to meet opposition?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Food For Thought


Yesterday we spoke about the importance of rest, so today we can piggy back on that concept and discuss our health. My wife and I were sitting around last night thinking about what I should write today’s devotional about, then I looked at the container of chocolate covered raisins my wife bought me, and the devotional topic became very clear!

We are all blessed with one temple, and it’s easy to take it for granted. I love chips and dip, bread, chocolate, cookies, and all types of deserts, but that doesn’t mean I need to eat that stuff on a regular basis. Once in a while is fine, but let’s make sure once in a while doesn’t turn into once a day! We were sitting on the couch winding down from a busy day, and I said, “Do not buy me anymore chocolate covered raisins. If I have the choice, I will eat them.” About that time one of our dogs, sitting by our feet, perked up. I noticed she was looking over us, so I turned around. Behind us, our other dog had climbed up onto the kitchen table and had a huge chocolate bar in his mouth. We just started laughing, and I figured he saw me eating chocolate so he chose to help himself to the candy jar!

Again, we are given one body, and it’s our responsibility to look after it. I pray every day that God will bless the health of my friends, family, and others. At the end of the day, what we put in our mouths leads to success or failure with regards to our health. When we eat right, we feel better. The key is to develop the habit of eating right and exercising. It takes time, but after a while, the thought of bad food disgusts you. One of my favorite foods used to be chicken fried steak, yet I haven’t eaten that type of food in years. The thought of eating that makes me want to work out!

Just like you need proper rest to perform at your best, you need proper nutrition. Many of you reading this probably take some sort of vitamin and/or supplements. Vitamins are great, and supplements are often needed. Remember, supplements are there to supplement your diet, not replace real food. The majority of our biblical advice concerning food comes in the Old Testament. Leviticus chapter 11 speaks specifically about “clean” and “unclean” food. I believe one of the key reasons to eat properly is to be a living example for people. To be holy, is to be set apart or unique from everyone else. To be a living, breathing, walking billboard for Christ, we need to do all we can to keep the body he gave us as pure and clean as possible. We are called to live a disciplined life. To eat uncontrollably is doing the exact opposite. For those of you that wish to get in better shape, let’s do it starting now! Remember, if you give yourself the chance to eat junk food, you will. Don’t buy the types of food you shouldn’t eat, and you won’t be able to eat them.

1. Read Leviticus chapter 11
2. Clean out the pantry, freezer, and refrigerator of all foods that lead to unwanted weight gain.
3. Buy foods that replace the junk food you don’t want to eat.

Monday, May 25, 2009



It’s not often my wife and I get to spend an entire day with each other without going on vacation somewhere. She is busy teaching fitness classes, playing tennis, and getting work done, and I’m busy coaching baseball, speaking, doing business, in meetings, and whatever else seems to come up! Yesterday was probably the first day we didn’t have anywhere to go, literally. We simply stayed home, grilled out, and had fun in the pool. We even had time to teach our youngest puppy how to swim. Haley and I call alone time, quality time. This is the time where we shut out the world and simply relax. Granted, it doesn’t happen often, but when we make time to relax, it’s amazing how refueled you feel.

Isn’t it amazing when we listen to what God calls us to do, we find great results? Think about it, In Genesis chapter 2 verses 2-3 it says, “By the seventh day God had finished his work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” If God rests, why don’t we? For all of you that know me, you know the person that needs to hear this as much as anyone…ME! This is certainly one of my weaknesses. So where do we draw the line? How do we work the way God wants us to work without wasting time, and balance that with the proper rest?

Many biblical arguments arise out of the verses in the previous paragraph regarding the Sabbath. I chose not to argue about the bible, but instead apply the word of God. We need rest. Mark 6:31 says, “Come with me by yourselves to a quite place and get some rest.” This is Jesus speaking to the disciples. Due to their business, they were getting worn out, missing meals, and needing to refuel. If Jesus recommends his disciples rest, shouldn’t we? In a previous devotional we spoke about the difference between finding time and making time. In order to have rest, some of you are going to have to schedule it. I blocked off my calendar to spend a day of rest with my family, and I cannot begin to tell you how awesome it feels! My wife and I got to catch up, hang out, take a nap, swim, play with the dogs, etc. Yes, I have a ton of work to do, and now I will be a lot more productive while working. With rest, you will think faster and clearer. Your brain will function properly. Instead of simply being active at work, you will be more productive, and you will enjoy what you do more. Too much of anything is bad. We need water to live, but drink too much water and you drown! You have to work to make a living, but work too much, and you stop living.

1. When is the last day you turned the phones off, didn’t check email, and simply enjoyed your family?
2. Schedule those days more often!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

You Can Do All Things


I was blessed to play pro baseball for a short stint, and I’ll never forget one of my most memorable moments. Here’s the odd thing, it had nothing to do with baseball! I was sitting in the bullpen during a game at LaGrave Stadium, it was about the 7th inning, and the game was getting close. The bullpen was down the right field line, and the fans were right on top of the players. For those of you that don’t know a whole lot about baseball, the bullpen is where the pitchers sit during a game. The other players stay in the dugout. I was a closer my rookie year, so it was about my time to start getting loose. During the game I noticed a family sitting in the front row, and they had their little girl with them. She was probably around 6-8 years old, and I couldn’t help but notice her starting at me, and here’s how the conversation went:

Me: “What’s your name?”
Her: “Your name isn’t Phil.”
Me: “You are exactly right. Who said my name was Phil?”
Her: “Your hat says Phil on it. Are you wearing someone else’s hat?”
Me: “No, this is my hat. My hat says Phil 4:13 to remind me of the strength I have from Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:13 is a bible verse that says, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” I write this on my hat to remind that I am nothing on my own separate from Jesus.”
Her: “Cool!”

I wish I had made contact with her family that evening, but about ten seconds later, they called for me to get loose, so I had to stop the conversation. The amazing thing is I don’t remember anything else about that game. I don’t remember if they ever called me in to pitch or not. All I know is that little girl heard the message of Christ as a result of the writing “Phil 4:13” under the bill of my hat. I’ll never forget that moment, and it constantly reminds me that you never know whose watching. Each and every one of us makes an impact in people’s lives whether we know it or not. This statement is magnified when dealing with kids. Make sure the things of this world don’t distract you from what really matters. For those of you that have the opportunity to make an impact in a kid’s life, I pray you will do everything in your power to surround them with the love and message of Jesus Christ. If you don’t know exactly what to say or how to say it, relax, because the best way to do so rarely takes words! Model what Christ wants you to model and your kids will do what you do.

1. Read Philippians 4:10-13
2. Tell a child about Christ, and sometimes use words!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Be Anxious About Nothing


When I think of the word anxious, anticipation comes to mind. It’s the feeling you get the day before a vacation, and you can’t wait to get to your destination. You are anxious. On the flip side, you may be anxious about a piece of bad news. You may not know all of the facts, but you can’t stop thinking about the situation until you get all the information. Regardless, we are given very direct and simple instruction about anxiety.

In Philippians 4:6 we are given strict instructions by Paul. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” When we are anxious we have anxiety. Anxiety tends to lead to worry, and both are 100% the opposite of what we should be doing. We should control what we can control, focus on the process, and trust that God knows what’s best for us. To be anxious and worry about things solves nothing. In fact it does the opposite. Anxiety and worry leads to stress and it saps us of energy. Instead of focusing on the positives and all we have going on in life, we are dwelling on what may or may not come. We are called to live in the moment, and let tomorrow take care of its self, for we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow. Seize the day!

Each and every day I pray, and one of the most fulfilling parts of each prayer is, “God, bless me mentally so that I will not worry or stress, and I rest all of my strength, worries, doubts, anxieties, and etcetera on your shoulders. I have no need to worry for you are not only with me, but you carry me.” This is exactly what Paul is telling us to do. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Instead of worrying, pray! If you want to understand the feeling of peace, grasp the reality that everything is in God’s hands. Everything!

1. Read Philippians 4:1-9
2. Think about everything you worry, stress, and are anxious about. Now give those up to God. Understand the waste of time worry, stress, and anxiety brings into your life.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Race


If you could have anything in the world what would it be? Even more important, what would you do to get it? All of us have dreams, goals, and ambitions, but very few of us are willing to do what it takes to get there. The majority of the world looks at the most successful people, and do not realize they could have everything the successful have if they would simply do what the successful do. I’m often asked the question, how did you do it? When I answer with “I went for it, and I didn’t quit” they often think I’m joking with them. Success happens by design, not by accident, and if you want to be successful, do the little things that others won’t over the duration of time, and it adds up.

In Philippians 3:13-14 we hear one of the most important key to success. “Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” When I read this verse, I think of the marathon runner steps from finishing, yet steps from collapsing all at the same time, and he keeps on going focused on the road ahead. Paul had every reason to forget the past due to the fact he used to kill Christians (he was referred to as Saul at the time). His past was horrible, yet look at all God used Paul for after he was transformed. Prior to knowing Christ he was the worst of the worst, yet God still had a plan for him. If you feel your past is so bad that God could never use you for his Glory, you are wrong! Once you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, the past is the past, and your job is to move forward. Like a marathon runner, stay focused, and push forward to the finish line. I promise you one thing, you will never accomplish the end result if you quit! Whatever it is you are trying to achieve at this point in your life, just remember, you could be one day away from your big breakthrough. I would hate for you to quit on your life’s dream the day before you could have accomplished it!

There are going to be days where the finish line seems too far away to comprehend, but don’t lose hope, stay focused on the process and the finish line will sneak up on you. The “race” can be difficult, but it’s not how you start, its how you finish. For years, you may have been running the race on the wrong team, and maybe even the wrong track! Here’s the great news, the real “race” starts and ends with Jesus. My heart goes out to those running the wrong race, and our job is to get them focused on the only race of significance. Once we have a runner, teach, train, and mentor them about the love, grace, and mercy of Christ. If I told you that every key to success was written down for you in one book called the Bible, wouldn’t it makes sense to read that book? The bible is your game plan for the “race” of life, and I’ve never met a successful person without a game plan.

1. Read Philippians 3:12-21
2. Are you running the wrong race? Let’s get back on track!

Monday, May 18, 2009



If we measured our priorities by looking at what we spend our time doing, what would be your first priority? For example, if you spend the majority of the day at work, then priority number 1 would be work. If you spend the next greatest amount of time watching television, then that would be your second priority in life. A chart may look like this:

8 hours=work
8 hours=sleeping
2 hours=driving
2 hours=watching television
1 hour=working out
1 hour= playing with kids
1 hour=eating
1 hour=showering, restroom, etc.
24 Hours Total

Think about this graphic above, and then honestly write down where you’re spending your time. In Philippians 3:8 Paul says, “I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ.” In other words, nothing matters without knowing Christ. You can have everything, but if you do not know Christ, you have nothing. In order to have an intimate relationship with Christ, it takes prioritizing Christ for you and your family. You must MAKE time for him, your wife, significant other, family, and friends. Most people spend all of their left over time with the people they love the most. It doesn’t have to be this way.

We are all extremely busy people, so let me give you some creative ways to make time for Christ. First, I listen to biblical messages while in the car, and I listen to Christian music. I will be the first one to tell you that I feel some Christian music is BAD, so I’ll change the station every once in a while or make a phone call! However, there is a lot of great Christian music as well! Second, I run on the treadmill everyday for about 36 minutes. I spend this time in prayer. This gives me 36 minutes without interruptions to converse with God. Let’s face it, I’m not going anywhere J, and it helps the time fly. These are just a couple of ideas to add God to the schedule while doing other things. The key point here is to make time to grow in your relationship with Christ. It’s like anything else in life; you will get out of it what you put into it.

1. Read Philippians 3:1-11
2. Write down your “priority schedule” as it relates to time spent. What changes need to occur?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mentorship Time

Mentorship Time

Mentoring another individual is an absolute blessing, but it takes a lot of time and energy. John Maxwell has a great five step approach to mentoring: Model, Mentor, Monitor, Motivate, and Multiply. In other words, we must first model exactly what we expect someone else to be, do, and say. Second, we must mentor by not only explaining the how of each step, but the why. After doing what needs to be done, we do the next step of monitoring. This is where we let them do the task, while we simply watch and instruct. The fourth step speaks for itself, and the multiply simply means to teach others how to mentor others. After all, the best way to learn something is to teach it! As you see here, mentoring takes work, yet many of us miss so many mentoring moments.

In Philippians chapter 2 verse 19, Paul speaks of young Timothy, one of the young leaders in the church. In verse 22, Paul says, “But you know that Timothy as proved himself, because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel.” This gives us a glimpse that Paul was training Timothy to carry out his ministry. Every great leader was at some point in time a great follower, so who are you leading?

Backing up to verses 20-21, Paul comments, “I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare. For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.” In other words, allow time to mentor others. Don’t keep such a jam packed schedule that you don’t have time to mentor those needing mentoring, or care for those needing your care. Do not allow your schedule to keep you from doing God’s work!

1. Read Philippians Chapter 2:19-30
2. Who can you mentor? Are you prepared to lead others?
3. Where can you carve out some time each day to focus on helping, mentoring, and praying for others?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Your Video


God is so amazing if we will stop for a second and take notice. We speed around from event to event, meeting to meeting, and most often we miss the most important aspects of life.

As a coach, it’s important to stay focused on getting the most out of your kids, let alone staying focused on the X’s and O’s of coaching. You have to make the right decisions at the right time, put each player where they need to be, and make sure the umpires make the right callsJ. It seems the older I get, the more I appreciate just being around the kids and families. Believe it or not, I look forward to ministering to the kids I coach far more than I do coaching baseball! I watch each kid grow up right before my eyes, and now I actually have kids I coached working for me. It’s crazy. As I tell each kid, baseball comes and goes, and God didn’t put you on the earth to hit doubles or throw 90 miles per hour. There is far more to life than baseball. For each of you reading this devotional, think about the things that consume your time, and then ask yourself what’s really important.

In Philippians 2:12-18, Paul really hits home on the important of letting your love of Christ shine for all too see. Starting in verse 14 it says, “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of god without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe. “ Notice the part about “do everything without complaining or arguing” and ask yourself if you have followed these instructions. I know I haven’t, and I know I need to! No one wins an argument. Stay focused on the blessings of God, and free your mind from the negatives of the world. Misery follows misery, and you will never find a complainer by themselves, as they always find company. Don’t be the complaining type. Instead, be a positive light in all situations. No matter where you are, find the positive. You will find yourself in situations where you don’t agree with everything, or you may simply feel something could be done better. Do not give in to the temptation of gossip, bickering, complaining, and negativity. Keep a smile on your face, and find the positive. I love to ask myself this question: if I had a video camera recording everything I did and I had to sit down with God one day and replay the entire video, what would God say? I guarantee you we would all be embarrassed by that video! Do not allow the crookedness of this world to get the better of you.

The bible specifically talks about a “crooked and depraved generation” in verse 14. God calls us to shine the light of Christ in this crooked and depraved world. As long as the world has human being running around controlling everything, the world will be messed up because we are messed up. We all have faults and downfalls. As a totally committed follower of Christ, do all you can to tell others who Christ is through the way you live your life. Make sure the video of your life is full of God honoring moments.

1. Read Philippians 2:12-18
2. What does your video look like?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009



Christ came to the earth to serve, not be served. This is quite a contrast from the “kings” of the world. They walk around being bowed down to, gold crowns on their head, and servants awaiting their every need. Christ taught us the importance of not only serving others, but genuinely caring for others.

In Philippians chapter 2 Paul says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” I wish every person on earth did what this passage calls us to do. Instead, we live in a world of selfish motives and desires. Some people will do anything if it benefits them, with little or no consideration of the others affected.

In verse 5, Paul says, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” We cannot control others, nor should we try. I’ve believe we should control what we can control, and one of the most important things we can control is our attitude. We need to have a Christ-like attitude of humble service. In other words, serve others because that’s exactly what Christ did. Do not serve others for the recognition in may bring. In fact, the bible tells us to give with a humble heart. When you give your time, money, service, and etc. do so without telling anyone. Serve to serve!

Verses 10-11 says, “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” What Paul is telling us is you will meet your maker. You can deny him all you want, but you will answer to him, and everyone will recognize that he is God!

1. Read Philippians 2: 1-11
2. Do you find joy in serving? If not why?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Who Are You Serving?


It’s easy to want to please man. Quite frankly, I bet most of us; if not all of us, do our best to win the approval of man on a rather consistent basis. There’s nothing wrong with this, as long as what you are doing is line with what God wants you to do, and if your first goal is to please God.

In Philippians 1:12 Paul says, “Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.” Remember, Paul is in chains at this point in time for preaching the gospel. Imagine if you were put in chains for speaking about the maker of the world! Being imprisoned would cause a lot of us to lose hope, or start the blame game. Instead, Paul viewed this as an opportunity to make an impact for the kingdom of God. Paul gives us the perfect example of what to do during tough times. We are going to have peaks and valleys in life, and our job is to find the good in all of those situations.

As a Christ follower, you truly understand the things of this world are only temporary; therefore, it makes sense that Paul would devote his time in prison to Christ. Just about anyone in his situation would stop preaching the gospel so they could be freed from prison, yet Paul continued to deliver truth. One of my daily prayers goes like this, “my goal is to win your approval Lord, and not the approval of man. Take from me the desire to win man’s approval, unless it lines up with your approval.” It’s easy to fight for worldly approval, but Christ isn’t concerned with what the world thinks. Each and every one of us makes the decision to either serve God or serve man. Granted, Christ has called us to serve every one, so the point we need to gather from the bible passage is to serve Christ at all times. At the end of your road, you are going to meet your maker, and my prayer for you is he says, “Job well done my good and faithful servant!”

1. Read Philippians 1:12-30
2. What facet of your life do you tend to “hide” God? Why?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bad To Good


I am going to take a break from the book of Philippians to share a story that took place last night. I feel it can be a life lesson that we can all relate to about the understanding and power of forgiveness. This is a story of a horrible situation turned good.

It had been brought to my attention that an employee of mine had made some costly mistakes that warranted being fired on the spot. After finding out about these mistakes, I was immediately furious and set up the “last” meeting he and I would ever have. This meeting started off exactly how I expected; I would present the facts, and he would deny them. As the interrogation continued, and the lies flowed out of his mouth, it occurred to me something was missing. Once he started confessing, I knew he wasn’t confessing the whole truth and nothing but the truth, yet suddenly I realized that though the truth was missing, the real TRUTH was missing. What was wrong with this particular person became blatantly obvious, he didn’t know Christ. No one could possibly act the way he acted if he truly understood the love of Christ.

At that moment, God laid it on my heart to use this situation for the good. If I had fired him, he may have gone on about this life with nothing changed. By sharing the power of forgiveness, maybe, just maybe, a soul could be saved. I told him I would not fire him if he told me the entire truth. If he would simply confess now, he would still have a job, but if I found out he didn’t tell me the entire truth, he would be fired on the spot. With tears flowing, he chose to confess, which led to the most important question I would have for him. Are you a follower of Jesus Christ? Have you ever asked him into your life? He wiped some of the tears away, and said, “No I haven’t.” I then explained to him what it means to be a Christian, and how Christ forgives us of our sins, and through the power of Grace we are saved. The parallel of his situation (sinning, confessing, and needing forgiveness), and the gift of grace and salvation led him to accepting Christ as his Lord and savior! We prayed the prayer, and out with the old and in with the new, we have another brother in Christ!

Quite frankly, I am shocked as to how Christ moved during the 2 and ½ hour meeting. After about two hours into the meeting, God shifted my focus from inspector gadget to leading a lost soul to Christ. I pray that I can revisit this story in the near future and inform everyone of how God is working in this young man’s life. I truly believe God has blessed him with some tremendous qualities, and now he can use them for the good of our Lord Jesus Christ!

1. Don’t give up on people; give them a chance, just as Christ gives us a chance.
2. Share with them the power Grace, mercy, and forgiveness…do not beat them over the head, but once a solid relationship has been built, simply tell them why every road without Christ is a dead end.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Tough Love


If there is one word to describe the teachings of Christ it could be the word love. We are called to love God above everything, and to love others. For some, showing love toward others may come easy, while for others it can be difficult. I think most of us would agree, showing love for our “enemies” and during difficult situations can be extremely difficult for just about all of us.

If there is one major characteristic of a true Christ follower, it would be an unconditional love for others despite the circumstance or person(s) involved. There have been many times when I’ve had a disagreement with someone, and I didn’t show Christ’s love the way I should have, so I’ve had to apologize. I’ve found it saves me a lot of time to simply love people as Christ’s called us to love people, and move on from the situation. I still fall short at times, as my type A personality still shows his face every once in a while, and when it does I make it right. Find the good in all people, and pray for those that persecute you.

We are going to study the book of Philippians over the next week or so, and Paul says in Philippians 1:9-11, “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ-to the glory and praise of God.” As we grow in our relationship with Christ, and in our understanding of Christ, the way we respond to difficult situations will completely change. We will love our enemies, and we will see difficult situations in our lives as an opportunity to minister to others through our words and actions. Instead of getting in an argument or yelling when we are upset, we will respond in a Christ like manner. Paul’s about to be put on trial and is going through imprisonment, yet he writes this letter of JOY! Why is Paul so joyous? Because he gets it! He knows what’s important in life, and equally as important, he has learned what isn’t.

1. Read Philippians 1:1-11
2. Think about negative situations in your recent past and how you handled them. How would Christ handle them?

Thursday, May 7, 2009



My wife and I run a select baseball organization for kids; needless to say, we meet a lot of kids! Last night we were discussing the different parenting types and noticed a common trend. The parents that emphasized the importance of manners, respect, discipline, typically have well behaved kids. These kids typically make great grades and are a joy to coach. On the flip side, the kids that tend to parent their parents tend to struggle a little more in school than the former, and they tend to show signs of disrespect to their coaches, peers, teachers, etc. Generally there are exceptions to every situation, but I did find it interesting as Haley and I discussed this issue how these same kids grow up and tend to act the same way.

Having coached for over ten years, I’ve been able to watch some of my former players get married, and some have their own kids now. I’ve been blessed to have coached some amazing kids from some amazing families, but the discouraging reality is finding great kids and great parents tends to get harder and harder. As an organization, we tend to recruit parents first, and then see if the child is a good player. We love working with the kids, and if there is a problem, nearly 100% of the time it’s the parent not the kid. If you want to know if a kid is going to be a problem, get to know the parent. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Again, there are exceptions, but documentation beats conversation.

Paul shines some light on the children and parent role starting in Ephesians chapter 6. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother-which is the first commandment with a promise-that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” As I read about parenting in the bible, there is a common theme mentioned repeatedly; honor and respect. There is a difference between obeying and honoring. If you obey your parents, coach, or teacher, you are simply doing what you are told to do. To honor your parents, is to respect and love them. You may not agree with them, as I know there have been many times I have had disagreements with my parents, but we are called to honor them.

As a coach, one of the greatest compliments in the world is to know your players honor you. I don’t ever want to be the coach that the players simply obey. I pray that I can pour into them selflessly to the point where they love and respect me despite the fact they aren’t going to like everything I do. Players don’t like being disciplined, but it needs to be done. With 22 teams in our program, we have a lot of coaches, and one of the first things I tell our coaches is we aren’t coaching to be the players friend. You cannot be a great coach and be their friend, as you will lose their respect. You are a person of authority, and you must never cross that line. I believe there is a parallel with coaching and parenting. This is just my opinion, but I feel too many parents are more concerned with being their child’s friend, than being their parent. There is a time when the role sort of changes and you develop a great friendship with your child as they become an adult. The players that have graduated through our program are now friends of mine, but when they played for me, I wasn’t their friend, I was their coach. Tough love is hard, but it is right. Every parent I know agrees parenting can be difficult at times. Every coach I know will tell you coaching is difficult at times. In the end it’s all worth it!

Too all of you that have influence in a child’s life teach them to honor their parents, grandparents, and other people of influence. Help them to understand the difference between obeying and honoring, and when they disrespect anyone of influence, put a stop to it immediately, and one of the best ways to do so is through your actions and words. Take up issues with people of authority and influence privately, and never downplay the role of an authority figure. Christ has called us to respect our elders, people of authority, parents, etc. Let’s do a better job of relaying Christ’s message to our youth.

1. Read Ephesians chapter 6.
2. Teach someone the importance of honor.
3. Make sure to honor your significant other!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Husbands and Wives


My father wrote a book called, Inside the Clubhouse, What men really think about women. The book is based on over three years of extensive research about the topic of men and women. One of the major themes of the book is the differences in the roles of men and women today as compared to forty years ago. The book is meant to be controversial, and chances are you aren’t going to agree with everything it has to say, as I certainly don’t, but none the less it’s still an interesting read about an interesting topic.

When in doubt, I turn to the bible as my source for knowledge about all topics, and as we continue our journey through Ephesians we get to the highly debated role of husbands and wives. Ephesians 5:22-24 says, “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.” It’s at about this point when men start sticking their chest out in a “That’s right, I knew it” kind of way. Paul isn’t done though. “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself (Ephesians 5:25-28).

As you read Ephesians, Paul devotes a lot more time to instructing husbands than women, so men wake up! When the husband treats his wife the way she deserves to be treated, she will be honored to submit to him. It’s when the man doesn’t give his life for her, and puts his selfish desires over hers, the relationship becomes one sided. For a marriage to work, the husband needs to live for the wife and the wife needs to live for the husband. Where there are selfish desires, a breakdown in the marriage will start. Our world has become more and more selfish, and I truly believe that’s one of the reasons the divorce rate continues to sky rocket. When husbands and wives aren’t working on their relationship, the relationship starts to suffer.

We need to work on our relationship more so than you work on anything else! If men would devote as much time and focus on their wives as they do sports, think of how low the divorce rate would be! Women, focus the same amount of time on your husbands as you do on your kids. For parents, make sure the kids aren’t a stumbling block in your marriage. Remember, you will not “find” time to be with your spouse, you must “make” time. Have a weekly date night for just you and your spouse. Invest in your marriage and it will pay you dividends! Set the example of how a healthy marriage is supposed to be in front of your kids. Your kids are learning from you how to treat their spouse when they grow up, so make sure you are setting the right example!

1. Read Ephesians 5:22-33
2. Read the book The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.
3. Do something special for your significant other, and remember to put them first.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

God's Example


Direct communication, motive free speech, actions, and thoughts, and clarity are a few characteristics I love about a great message. My wife and I love listening to ministers that are direct and to the point, and the message in Ephesians chapter 5 is just that!

“Follow God’s example in everything you do because you are his dear children.” How about that for direct! It’s true, we were put on this earth by God, and we were made in his image. He came and went so we would have a real example of how to live life. If he simply told us what to do, some of us would get it, but by literally walking the earth for 33 years, we know how to live! We all have mentors in life, and the ultimate mentor is Christ! He is the only person to ever walk the earth sinless.

In verse 10 it says, “Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the worthless deeds…It is shameful to even talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret. But when the light shines on them, it becomes clear how evil these things are.” In other words, read about Christ, and then you will find out what is pleasing to Christ. For those that “seem to have success, yet they do wrong” Paul instructs us to not even talk about them as they will be exposed. Stay focused on following God’s example in everything you do. Do not compare yourselves to others, but instead strive for sanctification (to be Christ like). At the end of the day, we should all have the same primary goal: to be Christ like. The best way to do so is to “follow God’s example in everything you do.”

1. Read Ephesians 5:1-14
2. What goals do you have that aren’t in line with the primary goal?
3. What are you going to do to change the problem?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Respond Don't React


For those of you that have followed these devotionals, heard me speak, or hang out with me, you will know I’m a huge believer in personal development. One area I really speak a lot about is the process of evaluating our strengths and weaknesses. While going through this process myself a few years back, I learned one of my weaknesses was my reactive personality.

I recall reading the differences between a reaction versus a response in one of the books I was reading, and it hit me, I tend to be reactive, and I don’t mean this in a good way! We are called to respond to situations with reason. To be reactive is to “react” to a situation with emotion. This is rarely a good thing. When we react, we tend to lash out and do verbal damage to the person we are in conversation with. When we respond, we stay calm and speak with reason while controlling our emotion. For those of us with a reactive mindset, we tend to create a lot of damage and broken relationships. For those that have mastered the art of responding, we tend to salvage relationships by controlling what we say and how we say it. God calls us to live a peace with everyone, and in order to so, we must respond, not react.

In Ephesians 4:25-32 Paul gives us strict instructions as to how to be responsive versus reactive. “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold…Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.”

1. Read Ephesians 4:25-32
2. Do you tend to react or respond?
3. When was the last time you reacted, and do you need to ask for someone’s forgiveness?
4. Have you forgiven someone else when they should have responded?

Sunday, May 3, 2009



A friend of mine gave me a CD of a very popular rock band, that is phenomenal instrumentally, and the lead singer has an amazing voice. I put the CD in, and it was about three seconds into the first song that I realized I couldn’t listen to that particular song any longer. Though it was the type of music I love, the lyrics crushed my spirit. In other words, the song was the exact opposite of a song that would honor the Lord. My wife and I looked at each other and were shocked that a song with those types of lyrics could be played on the radio. The thought of a kid listening to this type of music gives me a better grasp on how the typical 12 year old has already had a physical relationship, thus many of them have become pregnant. It doesn’t surprise me how people that would fill their minds with this type of music engage in impure actions. I am far from a prude, and quite frankly I am shocked at how some Christians find it wrong to have a glass of wine, to go dancing, etc. I see nothing wrong with these things, as there is nothing that states these things are wrong biblically. However, I do believe we are called to listen to the right things and watch the right things, as doing the opposite WILL corrupt your mind.

I recall a time in my life when the song I referenced earlier wouldn’t have fazed me a bit. In fact, I would have sent this CD to just about everyone I knew. I am proud to say I am sensitive to ungodly music, because not that long ago I wouldn’t have been. In Ephesians 4: 17-19 Paul says, “So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more.”

When you chase worldly things, it seems you can never get enough. Eventually your heart becomes hardened and you lose all sensitivity to the impure, and in fact the pure becomes uncomfortable to you while the impure makes you feel temporarily satisfied. We aren’t born with impure thoughts; we have impure thoughts by surrounding ourselves with impurity. It may be a song about lust that gets you lusting. It could be an inappropriate show, movie, video, etc. The world bombards us with impurity, and as a Christ follower, you should be sensitive to the impure. If not, we have some work to do. When you hear a song with impure lyrics, change the station or change the CD. Your mind is like a gas tank, and if you fill it with the right gasoline, the car is going to run the way it was made to run. If you fill your gas tank with the impure, you will BREAK DOWN! No matter how much impurity you pour into the tank, the vehicle will never run the same until you clean all of the impurities out, and refuel with the proper fuel!

1. Read Ephesians 4: 17-24
2. How would you rate your sensitivity level to the impurities of the world?
3. What do you need to stop watching, and stop listening to? Who do you need to stop hanging around?