Wednesday, July 8, 2009



As we continue into the book of Matthew, I wanted to take a devotional and reflect on the tragic death of Michael Jackson. Despite how you may feel towards him (good, bad, or indifferent), you cannot deny the impact he had on the world. For those of you that listened/watched the funeral, there was no doubt that he was a Christ follower. Yes, he had some downfalls and weaknesses, but he also changed the world for the better.

Michael Jackson not only wrote songs about peace, love, and acceptance, but he carried out his passions by the way he lived. He was a very generous individual that truly put people ahead of himself. Most importantly, most of his generosity went completely unnoticed by the public. He didn’t give to receive recognition. He gave because there were those that were in need. Speaker after speaker reminded us of the impact he made. The sad reality is the majority of the stories we read or heard about Michael Jackson were negative. The Reverend Al Sharpton mentioned the public made Michael out to be strange, yet the only thing that was strange was the way people treated him. He was a world changer. Yes, he was different, and he did some odd things at times. However, he did some amazing things for our country, the world, and the people. One of the many things we should learn from Michael Jackson is his selfless giving.
In Matthew 6:1 it says, “Be careful not to do your ‘acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.” Jesus wants selfless givers. Give because it’s the right thing to do. You may not have a lot of money to give, but you do have talents that you could use to make an impact. You can serve, support, and pray for people, and when you do, never bring attention to yourself. The only person you should try in to impress is God. Find your purpose in pleasing God, not man.

One of my favorite stories about Michael Jackson was his visits to Iraq. He wouldn’t tell a sole, yet he would visit the injured soldiers. Where many people would tell the media they were flying to Iraq to help the troops, Michael simply went! That’s what Jesus wants us to do, just do! In all you do, bring all the glory to God, and never bring glory to yourself. Be a servant leader and a selfless giver. Find someone that needs your time, service, resources, and make an impact.

1. Read Matthew 6:1-4
2. Do you find the good in people, or simply look for the bad?

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