Thursday, June 9, 2011

Consistent Godly Behavior

6-9-2011 by Boyd Bailey

Consistent Godly Behavior

Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is right.” Psalm 106:3

Consistent Godly behavior brings out the blessing of God and incurs the favor of man. Right living sounds an “amen” from your Savior. Yes, there will be those who snarl at your good works, but this is to be expected. Not everyone is interested in integrity, but most people do respect what is right. Proud men punished Daniel, because he did what was right with his persistent prayers (Daniel 6:10-12).

Indeed, it is better to constantly pray to Christ and receive clarity, than to stay confused with inconsistent intercession. Constant prayer keeps you aware of the Almighty’s agenda, for it is your ‘check and balance’ to good behavior. Be constantly in the presence of Christ and you can conform to the truth that you are wholly His. The Lord’s ownership requires holiness, embrace this principle and it will bring happiness to your humble heart. Christ blesses your regular right living. ??

Secondly, constantly do right and you will grow the equity of your integrity. Consistent Godly character gives you the ‘card’ of creditability, respect and influence. For instance, follow through with your word, especially when circumstances change. If you quoted someone a sell price, or made a generous promise to a friend, follow through even though the facts may have shifted out of your favor. Relationships are more important than a few dollars--even when you deserve more.

Your consistent Godly behavior may be what wins them over to Christ. It is costly to constantly do what is right, but it can bankrupt your robust reputation if you submit to inconsistency. Your children need your behavior to be consistent, so they can feel secure. Your team expects consistency, so they are not derailed or discouraged by your ever-changing character. Integrity is not inconsistent, but double mindedness is a deterrent of the devil.

James explains it well, “For let not that man expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” (James 1:7-8, NASB). Single-mindedness brings stability. Lastly, define and do right as outlined by Almighty God. Christ’s concordance of right is laid out in Holy Writ. “It is written” (Matthew 4:4) was a constant phrase that seasoned the lips of Jesus. He quoted Scripture in teaching and conversations, because it was His baseline for belief and behavior.

Therefore, appeal to your detractors by humbly deferring to the Bible as the motive behind your consistent behavior. Adhere to the Almighty’s words and you will effectively do His work. Beware of not treating the Lord’s principles like a cafeteria buffet, by only selecting what's convenient.

Conform to Christ’s character and not to the world’s wishy-washy way of living. Constantly doing right is not always fun, but it is freeing when you look into the face of Jesus with no regrets. Do justly at all times, and you will see Jesus smile. By God’s grace, constantly do what is right and people will see Jesus in you. Your consistent behavior brings about blessing!

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8).

What behavior of mine needs to grow in consistency?

Related Readings: Genesis 4:7; Joshua 23:6; 2 Kings 18:3; James 2:8

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