Friday, June 17, 2011

Rest Secure

6-17-2011 by Boyd Bailey

Rest Secure

“Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders” Deuteronomy 33:12

You can rest securely in Christ. He is your security system for living. Nothing will infiltrate His care without His warning light of love being set off. He loves you so much that He provides for your security. He saves you from yourself. He saves you from hell. He saves you from sin. And, He saves you from insecure living.

You do not have to be insecure. You are secure in the Lord. You can rest securely in this. Insecurity will “eat your lunch.” Insecurity haunts your head. It is a barrage of bad thinking that slowly and most assuredly deteriorates your faith. Insecurity is to faith what water is to fire. It douses the flames of your faithfulness. Your trust in God teeters in the face of insecurity. Insecurity is food for fear. You feel like you don’t measure up as a husband, wife, parent, friend or employee. Your mind begins to play tricks on you. You feel anxious and ineffective. This is the fruit of insecure living.

However, there is no need for the follower of Jesus to be intimidated by insecurity. Insecurity is insidious and unfair. It will keep you from commitment. It will block you from the bountiful love of God. Loose living is rooted in insecurity. It unleashes you from the mores of God’s principles.

A life of insecurity will come unbundled when it is blindsided by life. Adversity can be an anvil of pain. Pain promotes insecurity. You can hide your insecurities until you are squeezed. Pressure reveals your true self. However, you do not have to RSVP to insecurity’s invitation. You can shun its influence and succumb to your Savior instead. It is in the Lord that you can rest secure.

God is there to strap you onto His back if necessary. Like a wounded soldier on the battlefield of life, you need the medic of heaven to nurture you back to health. Do not act like you have not been wounded. Your soul has been lacerated by lack of love. Your heart is hemorrhaging because of the crushing effect of rejection. Fear has inflicted a head wound of disillusionment.

Now is the time to lay your insecurities at the feet of Jesus. You are secure in Him. He binds up the brokenhearted. He is salve for your wounded soul. Jesus is security in an insecure world. He is a rock of security in the ever-shifting sands of life’s transition. He is calm in a world full of calamity. He is peace in the face of fear. He is courage in uncertain circumstances.

Therefore, rest in the security of the Lord. Cease from striving to change things that are out of your control. Trust His tender touch. Hold His hand. Follow His secure path and you will learn to rest in Him. Because you are His beloved, you are dearly and deeply loved by Him. It is His sincere heart of love that holds you secure. Rest secure in the reality that you are a cared for child of King Jesus. He has your back.
And sometimes He carries you on His back. It is a secure place to be. In Christ you are shielded from insecurity. Yes, there may be remnants of insecurity that seek attention, but in the Lord their voices remain weak and inaudible. Walk away from the insecurities of your past. It is only a seductive shell of fear.

Instead, bask in the warm canopy of God’s security. His secure love is your escort. Nothing can separate you from the love of God. He is your life. He is your motivation for living. His ways are your blueprint for life. Secure your security in Christ. You can rest secure in Him!

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